(English) Lovely Limitedness: A Letter to You

(English) Lovely Limitedness: A Letter to You

Lovely Limitedness: A Letter to You Text: Danielle Smith // Photo: Hannah Zint // Illustration: Annelie Tesch You, Grenzgängerin, are stronger than you feel. Wherever this issue finds you, you are a resilient woman with a voice that matters deeply. You are at the same...
(English) One Girl, Three Ethnicities

(English) One Girl, Three Ethnicities

One Girl, Three Ethnicities My Lifelong Question of Belonging Text: Kaila Yim   A piece of me has always felt conflicted. Growing up, I never quite fit in with any one specific friend, school, church, or even ethnic group.   On the outskirts, fringes,...


Bonita „Schwarze Frauen werden nie von irgendwem beschützt.“ Text: Danielle Smith // Übersetzung: Conny Sasse   Bonita habe ich zum ersten Mal vor fünf Jahren getroffen. Unabhängig voneinander waren wir zwei US-Amerikanerinnen nach Berlin gezogen, um...